Receiving Signs From Your Pet While Grieving 

Beautiful yellow butterfly on a flower

Receiving Signs From Your Pet While Grieving 

It’s fair to say that we all hope we’ll receive signs from pets who have passed. I’ve always believed that, having such profound and deep connections with a being who never communicated in human language, it would make sense that the veil between this world and their next would be thin.

What are signs exactly?

The connections and attachments that are formed with pets are not like many others in life. It’s easy to see how pets become a part of who you are on the deepest level. You’re wired to each other. 

In grief, signs from your pet are one way to hold on to that connection and feel that, although not physically here, they are still very present. Signs bring comfort and reassurance that they are ok. 

Receiving small signs can feel like a wave of love in the midst of grief. These messages prove that death does not end the connection you share. It does not end love.

Where are signs found? 

These messages can happen everywhere and in everything. Sometimes they are impossible to miss and sometimes you reflect back on something and realize that it was sent for you at just the right time. 

I don’t study afterlife but I always imagine that without their earthly body, signs from pets must use a vehicle that transfers energy effortlessly. Feathers, butterflies, clouds, rainbows, electricity, numbers. Things that don’t need matter or science to deliver a beautiful message. 

If you hope for signs like “if you’re here, guide me to pick the winning lottery numbers”, or “if you can hear me, help me get this job” you’ll likely be disappointed. Those would require something far different than an energy transfer. 

Signs from pets are symbols, messages and the feeling of spiritual signals around you. Proof that their spirit remains close.

Needless to say, you likely won’t need to go far or look deeply. Just existing in this world opens you up to being able to receive messages from your loved one. 

When do signs come?

Short version is, when you least expect it and your heart is open to it. When you’re not hyper-focused on it. You might be awake or it could be when you’re asleep. But they will come eventually. 

Two important considerations for the ‘when’ question.

Firstly, on earth, animals have an amazing sense of spirit and magic. After they’ve transitioned, that magic is even more pronounced. Their spirit continues to be light, unbothered and peaceful. 

For a pet parent, navigating grief can render you the complete opposite. 

Essentially, your spirit is on a totally different plane than theirs. That can interfere with the ability to accept and receive signs or energy. If your own energy vibrations are in a very low place, you may simply not have the ability to touch theirs. 

Give it time. Like we know, grief does evolve. When your grief begins to change, your spirit lifts slightly. As your plane shifts, it becomes closer to theirs. Don’t overthink signs not coming as rapid-fire as you’d hope. 

It can take time.

Secondly, and a little easier, don’t talk yourself out of signs. The human mind is always trying to rationalize and make sense of things. 

If you are walking to your car and a butterfly lands on your antenna, don’t rationalize yourself out of a beautiful sign. Accept it as a symbol of love and connection. 

If you keep hearing the jingle of your dog’s collar or that little chirpy sound your cat would make, could there be another reason? Maybe if you look for one. But consider just accepting what is right in front of you. 

So what if you feel like you’ve never gotten a sign and it’s been a long while? Keep your heart and mind open. There have probably been signs that were not so glaring. With the hustle and bustle of life, we can’t notice every single thing, every time. 

Cardinals, dreams, or lights flickering might be obvious signs some days. You may also unintentionally miss a big, bright yellow leaf by your front door or a beautiful wind that came just as you needed the air. Some messages are bold. Some aren’t. But I guarantee you they are there. 

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